About Donna Barlow Travel

  Access the best travel rates, both air and land! When we're responsible for the travel of some of the world's largest business organisations, you can be sure your personal travel plans are dealt with the same professionalism


DBT was founded during the height of the stock market crash in September 1987 when Donna, the (then) agency manager threw risk to the wind, decide the purchase the agency she was managing.

Originally based in Eastwood NSW, the business quickly outgrew its premises whereby the office was relocated to North Ryde for a further 25 years. Today we reside in modern offices in Moore Avenue Lindfield.

Suffice to say, our customers are happy to follow us especially given that free and unrestricetd parking is always important.

Donna Barlow Travel's business methodology is the same as it was thirty years ago in that we truely understand customer consultation & service is still the key to organising successful experiences for family travellers. And, if you ever thought booking online will 'save you'; we're here to say it's a myth.

Try us, bring us your quote and/or holiday plan itinerary; we'll completely reconstruct it to a more affordable holiday solution - providing you more cash to spend while you're away!

DBT's knowledge and industry dominance continues to grow in a rapidly changing travel environment. You can be rest assured we work hard to professionally educate ourselves on an ever continual basis to stay abreast of these always changing trends. We always want to know more than you do - because that's why our customers keep coming back!

Flights - our fair deals are more than just competitive, we shop for the best fare of the day and we'll only make a reservation on your behalf when they're at their lowest level!